Journal of Dental Hygiene Science : eISSN 2233-7679

Table. 4.

Differences in Questions Regarding PT-PRFIC According to General Characteristics of Participants

Category Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7
Mean±SD F (p-value)* Mean±SD F (p-value)* Mean±SD F (p-value)* Mean±SD F (p-value)* Mean±SD F (p-value) *
Age (y) <27 4.72±0.57 2.152
4.25±1.00a 2.784
4.14±1.27a 3.102
3.64±1.42a 3.536
3.08±1.38a 5.518
27∼31 4.53±0.73 4.14±0.89a 4.23±0.96a 3.91±1.17ab 3.47±1.37ab
32∼36 4.75±0.54 4.36±0.86a 4.59±0.68a 4.28±0.85ab 3.95±1.02b
≥37 4.68±0.56 4.55±0.69a 4.51±0.88a 4.23±1.01b 3.96±1.06b
Form of work institution Dental clinic 4.74±0.49 8.635
4.28±0.94 0.013
4.38±1.02 0.171
3.90±1.23 3.672
3.40±1.36 9.928
Dental hospital level or higher 4.51±0.77 4.29±0.80 4.33±0.86 4.17±0.97 3.89±1.12
Monthly pay (1,000 won) <220 4.78±0.45 3.663
4.38±0.88 1.122
4.35±1.08 1.582
4.10±1.26 0.998
3.68±1.28 0.130
220∼260 4.59±0.72 4.20±0.95 4.39±0.91 4.02±1.02 3.61±1.25
260∼300 4.46±0.73 4.22±0.83 4.17±0.97 3.83±1.22 3.63±1.34
>300 4.79±0.42 4.45±0.71 4.61±0.66 4.21±0.93 3.52±1.28

PT-PRFIC: pre-treatment infection control practices.

*Statistical significance between categories was analyzed using t-tests or one-way ANOVA.

Q3: Do you enter the dental practice wearing a mask?

Q4: Do you enter the dental practice after using hand sanitizer?

Q5: Do you measure the patient's temperature with a non-contact thermometer before entering the dental practice?

Q6: Do you minimize entrances and exits to control the flow of patients through the practice?

Q7: Do you practice physical distancing of at least 1 m in patient waiting rooms?

a,bDifferent letter indicates are significant difference at a=0.05 by Scheffé test.

J Dent Hyg Sci 2024;24:134-45
© 2024 J Dent Hyg Sci