Journal of Dental Hygiene Science : eISSN 2233-7679

Table. 1.

General Participant Characteristics (n=263)16)

Characteristic Category Number (%) Mean±SD
Age (y) <27 36 (13.7) 31.44±5.09
27∼31 116 (44.1)
32∼36 64 (24.3)
≥37 47 (17.9)
Education level Associate degree 151 (57.4) -
Bachelor’s degree or higher 112 (42.6)
Number of years worked <3 68 (25.9) 5.96±4.27
3∼6 107 (40.7)
≥7 88 (33.5)
Form of work institution Dental clinic 145 (55.1) -
Dental hospital level or higher 118 (44.9)
Number of dental hygienists in organization <4 93 (35.4) -
4∼8 135 (51.3)
≥9 35 (13.3)
Number of unit chairs <6 116 (44.1) -
≥6 147 (55.9)
Residential area Metropolitan area 190 (72.2) -
Non-metropolitan area 73 (27.8)
Monthly pay (1,000 won) <220 69 (26.2) -
220∼260 102 (38.8)
260∼300 59 (22.4)
>300 33 (12.5)
Task type (multiple responses) Dental care work 179 (68.1) -
Administration 94 (35.7)
Consulting 55 (20.9)
Disinfect or sterilize 99 (37.6)
All the above tasks 47 (17.9)

SD: standard deviation.

J Dent Hyg Sci 2024;24:134-45
© 2024 J Dent Hyg Sci