Journal of Dental Hygiene Science : eISSN 2233-7679

Table. 4.

Association between Unmet Dental-Care Needs and Soldiers’ Use of Mobile Healthcare

Category Model 1 Model 2
B t p VIF B t p VIF
Unmet dental-care needs 0.056 0.234 0.815 1.070 −0.579 −1.222 0.227 1.187
Sex (ref. male) Female −1.149 −1.377 0.171 1.174 −0.265 −0.209 0.835 1.340
Age 0.018 0.335 0.738 1.148 0.064 0.878 0.383 1.346
Educational level(ref. high school graduate below) Attending college or higher −0.127 −0.490 0.625 1.075 −0.543 −1.415 0.163 1.259
Assigned branches(ref. combat branch) Technical branch 0.217 1.025 0.307 1.036 0.195 0.674 0.503 1.111
Administrative branch 0.525 1.912 0.050 0.661 1.989 0.049
Special branch −0.190 −0.608 0.544 −0.131 −0.353 0.726
Types of duty stations (ref. major city/small to medium city) Rural area/town/village −0.303 −1.520 0.131 1.059 −0.160 −0.586 0.560 1.200
Remote area (GOP/Isolated Area/Island/Naval Ship) 0.179 0.451 0.653 0.151 0.262 0.794
Average weekly working hours (ref. 60 hours or less) More than 60 hours −0.091 −0.387 0.700 1.143 −0.148 −0.453 0.652 1.308
Work hour stress (ref. none) Normal −0.091 −0.348 0.728 1.065 −0.106 −0.292 0.771 1.219
High 0.257 0.873 0.384 0.308 0.746 0.459
Subjective health status(ref. unhealthy) Normal - - - - −0.324 −0.929 0.357 1.543
Healthy - - - - −0.377 −0.745 0.459
Health status compared to a year ago (ref. getting worse) Normal - - - - −0.189 −0.661 0.511 1.286
Getting better - - - - 0.009 0.023 0.982
Health status compared to peers (ref. bad) Normal - - - - 0.734 1.907 0.050 1.661
Good - - - - 0.910 1.716 0.091
Subjective oral health status (ref. bad) Normal - - - - 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.267
Good - - - - 0.421 1.126 0.265
Number of dental visits(last year) (ref. 1) 2 - - - - 0.051 0.159 0.874 1.154
3 - - - - 0.048 0.128 0.898
4 - - - - −0.642 −1.462 0.149
5 or more - - - - 0.384 0.971 0.335
R-square 0.108 0.331

Model 1 includes demographic and occupational characteristics, while Model 2 adds health characteristics to the same variables.

VIF: variance inflation factor, GOP: General Out Post.

J Dent Hyg Sci 2024;24:208-20
© 2024 J Dent Hyg Sci