Journal of Dental Hygiene Science : eISSN 2233-7679

Table. 3.

Mean Difference in Intention to Use Mobile Healthcare Services by Unmet Dental-Care Needs

Category Use intention for mobile healthcare services
Unmet dental-care needs (yes) Unmet dental-care needs (no)
M SD F(t) p Scheffe M SD F(t) p Scheffe
Educational level High school graduate or below 4.58 0.51 2.318 0.142 5.51 1.24 0.560 0.456
Attending college or higher 5.36 0.86 5.31 1.00
Assigned branch Combat branch 5.11 0.79 0.634 0.540 5.23 1.06 2.120 0.102
Technical branch 5.55 1.02 5.40 1.14
Administrative branch 5.23 0.77 5.88 0.83
Special branch - - 5.03 0.85
Type of work location Major city/small to medium city 5.23 0.91 0.598 0.559 5.58 0.93 2.897 0.052
Rural area/town/village 5.35 0.86 5.16 1.08
Remote area (GOP/Isolated Area/Island/Naval Ship) 4.37 NA 5.82 0.79
Average working hours per week 60 hours or less 5.29 0.93 0.039 0.845 5.31 1.03 0.323 0.571
More than 60 hours 5.20 0.61 5.44 1.08
Work stress None 5.45 0.79 0.498 0.615 5.34 1.31 0.811 0.447
Normal 5.12 0.98 5.24 0.93
Very stressed 5.51 0.53 5.52 1.08
Subjective health status Unhealthy 5.20a 0.61 4.094 0.031 (b 5.26 1.04 2.590 0.071
Normal 4.92b 0.94 5.13 1.03
Healthy 6.22c 0.69 5.62 1.00
Health status compared to a year ago Worse 5.28a 0.70 4.196 0.029 (b 5.24 0.98 0.625 0.537
Normal 5.04b 0.83 5.33 1.11
Better 6.71c 0.20 5.54 0.99
Health status compared to peers Bad 5.22a 0.71 6.472 0.006 (a, b 5.04 0.84 2.438 0.092
Normal 4.90b 0.77 5.41 1.09
Good 6.39c 0.41 5.58 1.12
Subjective oral health status Bad 4.96 0.72 1.272 0.301 5.16a 1.03 3.084 0.049 (b
Normal 5.43 1.01 5.23b 0.98
Good 5.70 0.47 5.77c 1.09
Experience of using dental care (last year) Yes 4.64 0.84 5.059 0.034 5.29 0.98 0.531 0.468
No 5.48 0.62 5.45 1.18
Number of dental visits (last year)
1 4.27 0.29 3.010 0.192 5.22 0.91 1.099 0.364
2 5.28 0.69 5.29 1.07
3 - - 5.38 0.85
4 - - 4.83 0.51
5 or more 4.43 0.84 5.78 1.22

7-point Likert scale.

M: mean, SD: standard deviation, NA: not available, GOP: General Out Post.

J Dent Hyg Sci 2024;24:208-20
© 2024 J Dent Hyg Sci