Summary of Literature on Burnout among Dental Hygienists
No. | Author | Year | Measurement tool | Related variable | Recommendation |
A1 | Kim and Yoon13) | 2007 | MBI-GS | Coping behavior | Formation of a positive, proactive personality; urgent need for systematic programs to enhance job values and satisfaction among junior dental hygienists; personal active coping strategies for burnout necessary. |
A2 | Kim and Yoon22) | 2008 | MBI-GS | Organizational effectiveness | Improvement of the work environment; enhancement of responsibility and commitment to the organization; establishment of appropriate compensation systems; activation of promotion systems; diversification of welfare systems; flexible management mindset of hospital administrators. |
A3 | Park23) | 2009 | MBI-HSS | Job satisfaction | Development of various programs by the dental hygienist association. |
A4 | Heo and Ji44) | 2010 | Tedium scale | Job stress, Turnover intention | Intensive management of job-related and interpersonal stress. |
A5 | Lee and Kim24) | 2010 | MBI-HSS | Job satisfaction | Active communication, discussions and consultations with managers, an organic management system, continuous self-development and enhancement of professional qualities by dental hygienists. |
A6 | Choi et al.12) | 2010 | MBI-HSS | Turnover intention, Organizational commitment |
Strengthening of bonds among organizational members, strategies to enhance organizational commitment among dental hygienists. |
A7 | Lee25) | 2011 | MBI-HSS | Health-promoting behavior | Participation in professional health promotion programs for physical activity, nutrition, and stress management. |
A8 | Choi et al.7) | 2011 | X | Turnover intention | Stress management, creating a favorable environment to exercise skilled work. |
A9 | Oh and Jin26) | 2013 | MBI | Emotive dissonance | Organizational management of individual emotional labor. |
A10 | Han and Kim14) | 2014 | PROQOL | Empathy fatigue, Empathy satisfaction, Social support | Development of training programs for overcoming burnout (including regular seminars). |
A11 | Jeong et al.47) | 2014 | MBI-GS | Emotional intelligence, Supervisor support, Self-efficacy | Implementation of a five-day workweek, provision of rest areas, support for hobbies and cultural activities, internal organizational efforts (support from supervisors). |
A12 | Jeong and Han8) | 2015 | Tedium scale | Turnover intention, Emotional labor | Support for self-development (graduate studies, hobbies), organizational attention. |
A13 | Oh45) | 2015 | MBI-GS | Emotional dissonance, Turnover intention | Effective management of emotional aspects necessary. |
A14 | Min et al.9) | 2015 | MBI-GS | Turnover intention, Job stress, Happiness index | Joint efforts in the dental field, institutional and administrative support. |
A15 | Jang and Lee27) | 2015 | MBI-GS | Emotional labor, Self-esteem | Identification of organizational member issues, provision of hospital programs to enhance self-esteem. |
A16 | Lee and Ro28) | 2016 | MBI-GS | Career commitment, Organizational commitment, Work involvement | Provision of practical psychological counseling to prevent emotional depletion, appropriate rewards. |
A17 | Kim46) | 2016 | MBI-GS | Emotional labor performance, Peer support | Awareness of the importance of emotional labor management, systems for different groups established by managers and administrators. |
A18 | Jung29) | 2016 | MBI-GS | Degree of emotional labor, Job stress | Need for systemic improvements, support for informal gatherings and clubs, vacations, refresh training, incentives, reduction of overtime outside of dental hygienist duties, adequate staffing, granting of discretionary powers. |
A19 | Ji30) | 2016 | MBI-GS | Turnover intention, Job stress | Creation of a human environment conducive to long-term employment (3+ years). |
A20 | Min and Kim11) | 2016 | MBI-GS | Turnover intention, Job satisfaction, Job stress | Implementation of a preceptor program, considerate care taking into account individual characteristics. |
A21 | Jeon et al.31) | 2017 | MBI-GS | Verbal violence, Physical threat, Work environment, Peer relationships | Managerial intervention in resolving issues when violence occurs. |
A22 | Jeung et al.10) | 2017 | MBI-GS | Emotional labor, Self-efficacy, Framingham type A Behavior Pattern | Development of burnout-related manuals and guidelines, preparation of coping strategies. |
A23 | Kang and Jang32) | 2017 | MBI-GS | Emotional labor | Self-restraint of emotions, organizational-level compensation and management, expansion of welfare benefits. |
A24 | Jang and Han15) | 2018 | MBI-GS | Professional identity, Role stress, Resilience | Enhancement of resilience programs, development of continuing education programs. |
A25 | Kim and Choi33) | 2018 | MBI-GS | Emotional dissonance, Job satisfaction | Receptor system. Improvement of communication systems and welfare policies. |
A26 | Kim34) | 2018 | MBI-GS | Emotional intelligence | Development of emotional regulation programs to reduce burnout and enhance job satisfaction, resulting in increased satisfaction among both external and internal customers. |
A27 | Yun and Min43) | 2019 | Tedium scale | Job stress, Turnover intention, Emotional labor | Development and application of programs to reduce emotional labor and burnout. |
A28 | Cho et al.35) | 2019 | MBI-GS | Patient rudeness, Supervisor rudeness, Job satisfaction | Responsibilities and training for dental clinic managers or lead dental hygienists to handle rudeness, lists of rude patients, emotional intelligence enhancement programs, regular workshops, character education for creating a healthy organizational culture for college freshmen and new dental hygienists. |
A29 | Min36) | 2020 | PROQOL | Positive psychological capital | Psychological support, institutional measures. |
A30 | Lee et al.37) | 2020 | MBI-GS | Verbal violence | Development of situational coping manuals, education programs for preventing and intervening in verbal violence, administrative and management systems. |
A31 | Min and Min38) | 2021 | Tedium scale | Presenteeism | Development of health promotion programs, organizational support. |
A32 | Oh and Han39) | 2022 | Tedium scale | Job embeddednes, Emotional labor | Provision of rest areas, support for hobbies and leisure activities. |
A33 | Park et al.40) | 2022 | Tedium scale | Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment | Psychological counseling and short-term leaves. |
A34 | Won41) | 2022 | Tedium scale | Grit | Recognition of professional identity, goal setting, and organizational support necessary for achieving goals. |
A35 | Baek and Ji42) | 2023 | MBI-GS | Role conflict, Role overload, Role ambiguity, Professional identity | Establishment of professional identity. |
MBI-GS: Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey, MBI-HSS: Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey, PROQOL: Professional Quality Of Life Scale.