Journal of Dental Hygiene Science : eISSN 2233-7679

Table. 3.

Summary of Literature on Burnout among Dental Hygienists

No. Author Year Measurement tool Related variable Recommendation
A1 Kim and Yoon13) 2007 MBI-GS Coping behavior Formation of a positive, proactive personality; urgent need for systematic programs to enhance job values and satisfaction among junior dental hygienists; personal active coping strategies for burnout necessary.
A2 Kim and Yoon22) 2008 MBI-GS Organizational effectiveness Improvement of the work environment; enhancement of responsibility and commitment to the organization; establishment of appropriate compensation systems; activation of promotion systems; diversification of welfare systems; flexible management mindset of hospital administrators.
A3 Park23) 2009 MBI-HSS Job satisfaction Development of various programs by the dental hygienist association.
A4 Heo and Ji44) 2010 Tedium scale Job stress, Turnover intention Intensive management of job-related and interpersonal stress.
A5 Lee and Kim24) 2010 MBI-HSS Job satisfaction Active communication, discussions and consultations with managers, an organic management system, continuous self-development and enhancement of professional qualities by dental hygienists.
A6 Choi et al.12) 2010 MBI-HSS Turnover intention,
Organizational commitment
Strengthening of bonds among organizational members, strategies to enhance organizational commitment among dental hygienists.
A7 Lee25) 2011 MBI-HSS Health-promoting behavior Participation in professional health promotion programs for physical activity, nutrition, and stress management.
A8 Choi et al.7) 2011 X Turnover intention Stress management, creating a favorable environment to exercise skilled work.
A9 Oh and Jin26) 2013 MBI Emotive dissonance Organizational management of individual emotional labor.
A10 Han and Kim14) 2014 PROQOL Empathy fatigue, Empathy satisfaction, Social support Development of training programs for overcoming burnout (including regular seminars).
A11 Jeong et al.47) 2014 MBI-GS Emotional intelligence, Supervisor support, Self-efficacy Implementation of a five-day workweek, provision of rest areas, support for hobbies and cultural activities, internal organizational efforts (support from supervisors).
A12 Jeong and Han8) 2015 Tedium scale Turnover intention, Emotional labor Support for self-development (graduate studies, hobbies), organizational attention.
A13 Oh45) 2015 MBI-GS Emotional dissonance, Turnover intention Effective management of emotional aspects necessary.
A14 Min et al.9) 2015 MBI-GS Turnover intention, Job stress, Happiness index Joint efforts in the dental field, institutional and administrative support.
A15 Jang and Lee27) 2015 MBI-GS Emotional labor, Self-esteem Identification of organizational member issues, provision of hospital programs to enhance self-esteem.
A16 Lee and Ro28) 2016 MBI-GS Career commitment, Organizational commitment, Work involvement Provision of practical psychological counseling to prevent emotional depletion, appropriate rewards.
A17 Kim46) 2016 MBI-GS Emotional labor performance, Peer support Awareness of the importance of emotional labor management, systems for different groups established by managers and administrators.
A18 Jung29) 2016 MBI-GS Degree of emotional labor, Job stress Need for systemic improvements, support for informal gatherings and clubs, vacations, refresh training, incentives, reduction of overtime outside of dental hygienist duties, adequate staffing, granting of discretionary powers.
A19 Ji30) 2016 MBI-GS Turnover intention, Job stress Creation of a human environment conducive to long-term employment (3+ years).
A20 Min and Kim11) 2016 MBI-GS Turnover intention, Job satisfaction, Job stress Implementation of a preceptor program, considerate care taking into account individual characteristics.
A21 Jeon et al.31) 2017 MBI-GS Verbal violence, Physical threat, Work environment, Peer relationships Managerial intervention in resolving issues when violence occurs.
A22 Jeung et al.10) 2017 MBI-GS Emotional labor, Self-efficacy, Framingham type A Behavior Pattern Development of burnout-related manuals and guidelines, preparation of coping strategies.
A23 Kang and Jang32) 2017 MBI-GS Emotional labor Self-restraint of emotions, organizational-level compensation and management, expansion of welfare benefits.
A24 Jang and Han15) 2018 MBI-GS Professional identity, Role stress, Resilience Enhancement of resilience programs, development of continuing education programs.
A25 Kim and Choi33) 2018 MBI-GS Emotional dissonance, Job satisfaction Receptor system. Improvement of communication systems and welfare policies.
A26 Kim34) 2018 MBI-GS Emotional intelligence Development of emotional regulation programs to reduce burnout and enhance job satisfaction, resulting in increased satisfaction among both external and internal customers.
A27 Yun and Min43) 2019 Tedium scale Job stress, Turnover intention, Emotional labor Development and application of programs to reduce emotional labor and burnout.
A28 Cho et al.35) 2019 MBI-GS Patient rudeness, Supervisor rudeness, Job satisfaction Responsibilities and training for dental clinic managers or lead dental hygienists to handle rudeness, lists of rude patients, emotional intelligence enhancement programs, regular workshops, character education for creating a healthy organizational culture for college freshmen and new dental hygienists.
A29 Min36) 2020 PROQOL Positive psychological capital Psychological support, institutional measures.
A30 Lee et al.37) 2020 MBI-GS Verbal violence Development of situational coping manuals, education programs for preventing and intervening in verbal violence, administrative and management systems.
A31 Min and Min38) 2021 Tedium scale Presenteeism Development of health promotion programs, organizational support.
A32 Oh and Han39) 2022 Tedium scale Job embeddednes, Emotional labor Provision of rest areas, support for hobbies and leisure activities.
A33 Park et al.40) 2022 Tedium scale Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment Psychological counseling and short-term leaves.
A34 Won41) 2022 Tedium scale Grit Recognition of professional identity, goal setting, and organizational support necessary for achieving goals.
A35 Baek and Ji42) 2023 MBI-GS Role conflict, Role overload, Role ambiguity, Professional identity Establishment of professional identity.

MBI-GS: Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey, MBI-HSS: Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey, PROQOL: Professional Quality Of Life Scale.

J Dent Hyg Sci 2024;24:71-83
© 2024 J Dent Hyg Sci