Journal of Dental Hygiene Science : eISSN 2233-7679

Table. 1.

Example of Converting Objective Problem-Solving Type Question into Subjective Question

Objective problem-solving type question Subjective problem-solving type question
This is the result of an oral examination of a 5-year-old child.
What is the appropriate space retainer?
∙The left mandibular canine is healthy.
∙The mandibular left first premolar is missing.
∙Mandibular left second premolar is pulp treated.
① Lingual arch
② Distal shoe
③ Band & loop
④ Crown & loop
⑤ Nance holding arch
Below are the results of an oral examination of a 5-year-old child.
Which space maintainer is appropriate for this child?
∙The left mandibular canine is healthy.
∙The mandibular left first premolar is missing.
∙Mandibular left second premolar is pulp treated.
J Dent Hyg Sci 2024;24:62-70
© 2024 J Dent Hyg Sci