Journal of Dental Hygiene Science : eISSN 2233-7679

Table 3

Study Subjects’ Results of Degree Centrality Analysis (n=115)

Key word Degree centrality Key word Degree centrality
Sex factors 0.909 Oral hygiene 0.500
Dental caries 0.864 Preventive 0.500
Quality of life 0.833 Epidemiology 0.470
Tooth loss 0.818 Diagnosis 0.455
Health status 0.727 Diet 0.455
Life expectancy 0.712 Root caries 0.455
Diabetes 0.697 Smoking 0.455
Saliva 0.682 Psychology 0.455
Memory disorders 0.621 Biological 0.455
Social support 0.621 Attitude to health 0.455
Periodontal diseases 0.621 Bite force 0.455
Independent living 0.591 Deglutition 0.455
Health behavior 0.591 Esthetics 0.455
Health services 0.591 Dental care 0.439
Cognitive dysfunction 0.576 Nutrition 0.409
Microbiology 0.576 Adolescent 0.379
Dentition 0.576 Child 0.364
Taste 0.561 Socioeconomic 0.364
Personal satisfaction 0.545 Professional role 0.348
Eating 0.545 Frailty 0.318
J Dent Hyg Sci 2023;23:302-11
© 2023 J Dent Hyg Sci