Journal of Dental Hygiene Science

Journal of Dental Hygiene Science : eISSN 2233-7679 / pISSN 1598-4478

Cited by CrossRef (2)

  1. Mi-Jeong Kim, Cha-Young Lim. Relationships between Experiencing Verbal Violence and the Emotional Responses and Coping Behaviors of Dental Hygienists. J Dent Hyg Sci 2017;17:209
  2. Shin-Young Lee, Mi-Gyeong Kwak, Mi-Jeong Kim, Jung-Hwa Song, Young-Ju Lee, Hye-Ju Hong, Sang-Hwan Oh. Relevance between Marketing Route of Social Media and Consumer Age Group for Choosing Dental Clinics. J Dent Hyg Sci 2021;21:260